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  • Writer's pictureSarah Schoolcraft

Brookside Blast 11/10/23

The first snow that "sticks" always makes for joyful recesses. It is much easier to play in snow (and not be uncomfortable for the rest of the day) when one is wearing boots, gloves/mittens and snowpants. This was the first week that students had winter-like weather at recess, however, students will soon be needing this gear every day.

THANK YOU for helping your child come prepared; they need to come to school every day dressed to go outside. We go out in almost all weather (including light rain) at least once a day. Let us know if you need any assistance with your child having the soft goods they need to enjoy winter warmly.

We look forward to seeing you in the building next week for conferences. In addition to the opportunity to meet with your child and their teacher, the Scholastic Book Fair will be open in the BPS Library, and the Title I meeting is on Monday evening, 6pm in the BPS Library/French room.

The BPS PTO met twice this month, including a Special Meeting on Thursday 11/9 to amend the bylaws and officially name officers! This enthusiastic group is in great hands and will be led by:

Co-Presidents Angie Coyne and Kristin Blauvelt

Vice-President Mackenzie McGuire

Treasurer Lauren Grant

Secretary Robert Dabrowski

The BPS PTO is open to all and meets the second Thursday of the month at 6:30 in the BPS Library (remote option as well). Please join us at the next meeting on December 14th, 6:30 pm!

  • Week of November 13th - Conferences

  • Monday, November 13th - Title I Meeting - 6pm BPS Library

  • Friday November 17th- BPS Fun Friday - Mismatch Day!

  • Week of November 20th - Thanksgiving Break - No school

  • December 2nd - Lantern Parade 5pm

Have a wonderful weekend.

In Partnership,

Sarah & Chris

Music Notes:

4th Grade Families

Students will be starting their recorder unit in music classes next week. They will be receiving their recorders and booklets that they are able to take home and practice with, but they must remember to bring them back to school for music class. If your child indicated that they are using their own recorder from home, please make sure they have it for their music classes next week.

4th Grade Music Schedule 11/13-11/17:

Monday: Diller & Guggemos

Tuesday: Diller & Morehouse

Wednesday: Cunningham

Thursday: Guggemos & Cunningham

Friday: Morehouse

BPS Chorus

Many students have already signed up for Chorus, but there is still time to come try it! Chorus is a singing group that rehearses once a week before school for 3rd and 4th grade students. If your child loves music or singing and would like to have more of it in their week, they should come to rehearsal this week or the week after. Students may come without committing to the group during this trial period. If they decide they want to join chorus for the year, they can get a permission slip at one of the rehearsals and return it by November 17th to officially be on the roster. After 11/17, students can only continue coming to Chorus if they have handed in a permission slip.

Chorus Rehearsal Schedule:

3rd Grade - Tuesdays from 7:40-8:10 starts 10/17

4th Grade - Blue Thursdays/Gold Fridays from 7:40-8:10 starts Friday 10/20

Please contact with any questions or concerns.

The Book Fair is coming!

The Book Fair is coming!!

Watch the calendar for DATES and TIMES!

I look forward to seeing you all there!

Health Table Talk:

Hello Families. For those who do not know me, my name is Nancy Robinson and I teach health education in grades K-4 at Brookside Primary School. You can reach me at whenever you have questions about health education.

I will be starting to send home a note in the Brookside Blast once or twice a month titled “Health Table Talk”. The intention of this section is to get you talking with your children about what they are doing in health classes. Although this is best done at the dinner table, it can also be done on car rides. Research shows that there are great benefits for children when their families eat meals together and have “Table Talk” time. See this informational handout from the American Academy of Pediatrics (click here) to read about these benefits and to get suggestions on how to make this happen for your family.

November Health “Table Talk”:

Grades K-2:

  • What are germs and how do you stop them from spreading?

  • Tell me about the 3 R’s of bullying prevention (Recognize, Report and Refuse).

  • How can you be an upstander?

Grades 3-4:

  • What are germs and how do you keep them from spreading?

  • What do you know about the immune system?

  • Tell me about the 3 R’s of bullying prevention (Recognize, Report and Refuse).

  • How can you be an upstander?



Please note that the opportunities/events listed below are not specifically endorsed or screened by school staff. As always, families should use their own standards and review processes to determine appropriate activities.


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