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  • Writer's pictureSarah Schoolcraft

Brookside Blast 5/13/22

Updated: May 15, 2022

Ms. Kahofer spied this nest during Friday recess :). Please be calm and quiet in the treehouse!

We moved pretty quickly from spring to summer this week, weather-wise! The glorious temperatures and sunshine had classes outside a TON - from PE to ECO and Outdoor Learning and extra SBAC recess. Third and fourth graders are almost completely finished with SBAC testing - there are a few students who have some make-up/finish-up sessions early next week. We commend their perseverance and efforts!

In addition to warm temperatures and statewide testing, other signs of spring abound. Second graders made their way to the "frog pond" just through the woods in Pilgrim Park/GMCR to see the frog's life cycle in action. PreK students had a "free flower stand" on Tuesday, and hatch day across grade 2 classes is quickly approaching. Many classes participated in Green Up day last Friday (statewide Green-Up day was Saturday 5/7). The more often we can tune in to the natural world, observe and interact in a respectful way, the more likely we are to raise future stewards of the Earth.

From the Library...

Please return all library books by May 20th.

Please see Mrs. Daigle if you have a question about what is on a library record.

Children will be allowed to take out 10 books FOR THE SUMMER the last week of school.

Please send students to school with a bag if this is your wish!

Families of Fourth Graders: You’re Invited!!!!

What- 4th Grade Celebration of Learning

Who - 4th graders and their adult family members are invited

When- Wednesday, June 8th at 12:30-1:30pm (Raindate -Thursday, June 9th)

Where- BPS basketball court & upper fields

Why- We want to celebrate the success of our 4th graders as we send them off to middle school.

How - We will be sharing a slideshow, playing some yard games and enjoying some frozen treats!

Please complete this GoogleForm for Slideshow photos of your child at age 4-5 and a photo of them now!

Art Show and 3/4 Spring Concert

Wednesday 5/18

5:00- 5:30 PK/K Art Show

5:30 - 6 Grades 1 & 2 Art Show

Thursday 5/19

5:00- 6:00 Grades 3 & 4 Art Show

6pm Spring Concert - featuring 3rd grade chorus, 4th grade chorus and all 4th grade students

Summer Opportunities:

There are still openings at Camp Koda at BPS this summer! Please follow the link below for details and to register:

TDI (Talent Development Institute) is a summer camp/academic program, with overnight and commuter options, for advanced and gifted students who are entering grades 4-9. TDI combines the relaxed atmosphere of summer camp with new academic & creative opportunities. It is a great summer opportunity for your brightest students to learn, grow, and have fun with their intellectual peers.

The 2022 Institute will be held for two weeks: June 19-25 and June 26-July 2. Participants may be involved for one or both weeks. We have a great mix of classes this year, with something for a variety of types of learners and thinkers! This year's classes--which include Rube Goldberg Machines, Movie Making, Just Some Rocket Science, Create a Culture, and Clowning Around-- nurture students' creativity and their love of learning. Campers have a blast learning alongside other smart kids on a small college campus (Northern Vermont University, formerly Johnson State College) nestled in the beautiful Green Mountains. Partial scholarships are available. Go to

In partnership,

Sarah & Chris


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