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  • Writer's pictureSarah Schoolcraft

Brookside Blast 12/15/23

The joy in the building is palatable - of both adults and students. Students at all grade levels have been working to spread joy and kindness to others - including making cards for elderly folks in assisted living facilities, an appreciation "snack cart" delivered to teachers by a 2nd grade class and a school-wide paper quilt art collaboration to be displayed in the library.

At this time of year, many families consider making donations before the tax year ends. A tax-deductible gift to BPS could directly benefit our alpine ski program and/or the Backpack Program. Please consider supporting our school's ability to support enriching opportunities for all students.


Students in 3rd and 4th grade gathered for an Allyship read aloud of All Are Neighbors by Alexandra Penfold and Suzanne Kaufman.

PTO Updates

The (best yet) Cash Calendar is the major fundraiser for the BPS & CBMS PTO's and will be sent home with all students after winter break. This is an awesome way to support our school communities and even have a chance to win some GREAT prizes! Stay tuned for more on this after the break.

PTO meetings are the 2nd Thursday of the Month at 6:30 pm in the BPS library. All are welcome and encouraged to attend!

School Counseling Updates

Our next PBIS Fun Friday will be Hat Day on the half day next Friday 12/22/2023

Our school counselors have added a section to the Comfortship website with resources on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Children and adults can be deeply affected by images and knowledge of war. Given the Hamas attacks on Israeli citizens and the Israeli government response many in our school communities will be deeply impacted by these events either directly through family connections or indirectly through exposure to the inhumane atrocities broadcast through news and social media. This crisis has brought about a wave of fear, uncertainty, confusion, and distress. 

Children need reassurance that their school and home community is a place of peace and stability, and that the adults in their lives are working to support their well-being. Below are resources for families and caregivers to use as they navigate through and engage in conversations about the Israeli-Palestinian crisis, and to help ensure a safe and resilient school and home environment. Please check out the curated collection of resources here for more information and support.

PE News

In the last couple of weeks we practiced and participated in some fitness testing, where the emphasis was placed on identifying strengths and areas to work on. During Choice Days this week, I had the opportunity to meet one on one with most first through fourth graders to review fitness as well as other assessments from the first semester. Students then chose a goal for something that they wanted to work on next semester.

Next week, we will break out the disco lights for some disco bowling!

Have a fun and active holiday break. Keep your fingers crossed for snow so that we can get some snowboarding in after vacation. Mrs. Baitz

As a reminder, next Friday 12/22 is an early release day. Students will have lunch and will be dismissed at 11:25. Thanks for updating Pickup Patrol accordingly!

Enjoy the weekend.

In partnership,

Sarah & Chris



Please note that the opportunities/events listed below are not specifically endorsed or screened by school staff. As always, families should use their own standards and review processes to determine appropriate activities.

Share your ideas on Opportunities for Vermont Youth!

Central Vermont Regional Youth Opportunity Forum

January 9 | 5:30 - 7 PM

Northfield Middle & High School | 37 Cross Street | Northfield

Join us on January 9 from 5:30-7:00pm at the Northfield Middle & High School Cafeteria for a conversation on youth opportunity and aspiration in Vermont! The forum will be co-facilitated by the Vermont Council on Rural Development and a local youth facilitator. 

Whether you’re a young person with a vision for the future, or an adult with ideas on how to make a difference, we want your input. 

These regional forums, taking place across the state, are a chance for people of all ages, backgrounds, and experiences to come together and share their ideas. We’ll be gathering feedback on a range of topics, including education, job training, community connection, youth voice, mentoring, and more. Your voice can help shape the future of programs and policy in Vermont, so don’t miss this opportunity to make a difference. 

Mark your calendars for an evening of meaningful conversation and community-building — and free pizza! Together, we can create a brighter future for Vermont’s youth. Learn more and find event details here.

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