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  • Writer's pictureSarah Schoolcraft

Brookside Blast 4/15/22

Happy Friday and Happy Spring Break! As we look ahead to the weeks leading up to Summer, we begin thinking about class placement, field trips and end of the year celebrations! Our fourth graders will have their celebration on June 8th in the afternoon. More details to follow. Please read the information below regarding class placement.

BPS Classroom Placement Procedures

The goal of the placement process is to create classes that are heterogeneous and as balanced as possible. We consider each student’s individual needs, input from a child’s current teacher, input from the arts team and input from any other adult that works with a particular child. Final placement decisions are made by the administration.

Because of our looping model, placement is done for students entering Kindergarten, First and Third grade. Students entering Second and Fourth grade will remain with their current teacher and class.

While we cannot honor specific requests for teachers, we value your input as we determine the best class placement for each child. If you’d like to provide input, please complete this form by April 29, 2022. We anticipate sharing placement decisions by May 27, 2022 and Step Up Day is planned for June 3, 2022. Step up day is an opportunity for students to briefly visit with their new classmates and teacher before we break for the summer.

Nurse's Notes

Ticks are back outside this spring. When you come in from being outside, especially in taller grass or wooded areas, check your skin and your child's skin for ticks. Ticks are usually found behind the ears, around the armpits or groin area. Cleanse the area with soap and water before tick removal. Remove ticks using a fine tipped tweezer and pulling straight up. Cleanse the area with soap and water. Watch for signs of tickborne illnesses for up to 30 days. Symptoms may include fever, rash, headache, fatigue, joint pain. Report any of these symptoms to your provider. Visit for more information.

The nurse's office is in need of gently used elastic waisted pants sizes 5-8 and shirts that are sizes 6-10. If you have these sizes that your children have outgrown, feel free to send them in. It's a great idea for children to have a change of clothing in their backpacks.

Traveling internationally for the break

The Centers for Disease Control recommend that all individuals test 3-5 days after return from international travel.

Here are some ways to keep your family and others healthy during this time:

  • If your child is sick, keep them home from school.

  • Get a test for COVID-19 when symptoms occur; testing locations and other information can be found here. You can make an appointment to pick up an antigen or a LAMP test at many locations. Tests kits are also available at school.

  • Stay up to date on COVID-19 vaccinations.

  • Encourage your child to cover any cough and to wash their hands.

  • Consider masking in indoor spaces, especially if someone you live/spend time with is immunocompromised or is more likely to get very sick with COVID-19.

  • If your child is recovering from an illness, consider masking until symptoms have completely resolved.

Brush Strokes

Art Show season is upon us! Please see the flyer below for more information about our Art Show coming up after April break. If you would like to volunteer your time for this special event, please also see the attached Volunteer Google Form.

Thank you for all you do to support our artists!


Have a restful, rejuvenating vacation and we'll see you all back in school on Monday, April 25th!

With gratitude,

Sarah & Chris


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