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  • Writer's pictureSarah Schoolcraft

Brookside Blast 5/3/24

This coming week, we celebrate Teacher and Staff Appreciation at BPS. The PTO has some wonderful things planned; we hope you will join us all in recognizing and appreciating all of our staff this week with any token of appreciation or hand written note from you and your child. This is especially important and timely this year.

We are heading into the last six weeks of school, with the last day for students on Friday, June 14. Students will be served lunch and dismissal will begin at 11:25 on this day. Many families have asked about the 24-25 school year calendar: it is linked below, and is also at the bottom of the HUUSD website and under the "information" tab on the BPS website.

We hope you've had a great weekend and we look forward to seeing you at our many upcoming events!

In partnership,

Sarah & Chris

Upcoming dates:

Monday, 5/27 - Memorial Day (No School)

Tuesday - Thursday 5/28-5/30 Book Fair

Wednesday 5/29 Arts Night (K-2)

Thursday 5/30 Arts Night (3-4)

Wednesday 6/5 Bike and Walk to School Day

Thursday 6/13 4th Grade Celebration of Learning

Friday 6/14 Last day of School 11:25 DISMISSAL

Mrs. Emler, the original model for the cartweel emoji.

4th grade mathematicians proud of their scale work!

Health Updates

Mrs. Robinson will be teaching the Care For Kids Early Childhood Abuse Prevention Program as part of the state requirement for all Vermont Schools to provide education about sexual abuse prevention. Resources for these lessons are supported by the Care For Kids Early Childhood Abuse Prevention Program designed by Prevent Child Abuse Vermont Organization and the Rights, Respect, Responsibility Curriculum sponsored by Advocates For Youth.

Staff Update

Dear BPS Families, 

As we approach the end of the year, we wanted to let you know that some of our teachers will not be returning to BPS next year. Mrs. Baitz, Ms. Judy (Mulhern), Mrs. Palumbo, Ms. Tucker and Mrs. Ververis will all be moving on at the end of the year. This news may be hard for some students to process, so we hope that you are able to support them as they navigate these changes. While we are sad to lose these important members of our school community, we are also excited for their next adventures and wish them all the best! 

Attention Community Members! Your Input is Valued!

As we strive to provide the best educational opportunities for our students, the Harwood Unified Union School District (HUUSD) is seeking to amend our American Rescue Plan Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ARP ESSER) grant to support our upcoming summer school program.

We invite you to review and provide feedback on the proposed amendment to our ARP ESSER plan. The plan and a feedback form are posted on the HUUSD website at The proposed amendment will also be discussed at the HUUSD Board Meeting on May 8th.

You are also welcome to send questions or comments to the HUUSD Director of Curriculum and Technology, Shannon Lessley, at or 802-583-7947. 

Thank you for your continued support and collaboration in ensuring the success of our students.

BPS is offering a yearbook again!

It will be free of cost to 4th grade students (you do not need to order one).

All others can preorder (for $12.76) at this link:

Yearbooks will be distributed when they arrive in June.



Please note that the opportunities/events listed below are not specifically endorsed or screened by school staff. As always, families should use their own standards and review processes to determine appropriate activities.


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