The Autumnal Equinox brought the first days of fall this week. Students and staff are savoring these warm days and getting outdoors as much as possible.
Our intervention team has really taken our theme of the year to heart!
Students in all grades started earning 'fish and gems' as part of our Schoolwide Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) this week! Students demonstrate our school codes: be safe, be respectful and be responsible, across all settings at school. Students put these tokens they earn into a fishbowl in their classroom. Once fishbowls are filled, the class earns a celebration - extra recess, dress up day, etc.
Second graders are emptying their first fish bowl into the large fish tank!
From the Library:
We are accepting donations this year for hardcover books in good condition you are no longer using. To start, we could use popular titles like Dog Man, Plants v. Zombies, Minecraft, Babysitters Club (fiction and graphic novel), I survived, and Wings of Fire (graphic novel).
If you have collections your child is done with, I welcome them enthusiastically!
In general, I always take donations with the caveat that they may or may not end up in the library-- I donate to daycares, afterschool programs, and families as well.
Thanks for considering,
Nancy Daigle
NBCT Librarian
From the Nurses:
Surveillance Testing:
Students with parental consent in grades K-4 will be participating in surveillance testing beginning this Monday and will be tested weekly. If you decide you no longer want your child to be tested, you must reach out to Beth Reilly or Allison Conyers at
Here are a few resources you can use to support your child's readiness for testing on Monday:
In the next few days, you may receive multiple emails from BINX. This is the portal used to register test samples and share results.
If you have not yet registered your child, but would like them to be tested in the future, please complete the consent form here. We'll be happy to add your child to our weekly testing during the next round.
We would like to remind families that our goal is to keep kids safely in school. We ask that students who are showing symptoms of COVID-19 (runny nose, cough, fever over 100.4, congestion, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, sore throat, muscle aches, headaches, fatigue and loss of taste or smell) stay home and follow the Vermont Department of Health's guidelines for returning to school.
From the Office:
We continue to see a significant number of students arriving after 7:50. Students are considered tardy after this time, and are missing instructional and/or classroom community building. Thanks for supporting your child's timely arrival at school.
Got Binoculars?
Our second grade team is hoping to build a class set of binoculars to support their adventures in outdoor learning. Have a pair to spare? Donations are greatly appreciated and can be left in the airlock of the main entrance.