Spring is in the air!! Kind of..... We have seen some warmer days, a little sun and of course tons of mud :0) Luckily our students are amazing creators and find lots of different ways to use the mud for fun with friends. It was another great week at Brookside! A few things to share this week:
Art Show 2022 Information!
Where: Brookside Primary School gym and 1st floor
Pre-K and Kindergarten: 5/18 5-5:30pm
1st and 2nd grade: 5/18 5:30-6pm
3rd and 4th grade: 5/19 5-6pm
Parent volunteers are welcome! Please email Rachael Wells at rwells@huusd.org for more information.
Music Notes:
Mark your calendars for the BPS Spring Concert on Thursday, May 19th at 6pm in the gym. This performance will feature students from 3rd Grade Chorus, 4th Grade Chorus, and 4th Grade classes will perform, as well. Email Lizzy Carlson with any questions at ecarlson@huusd.org.
Live Y'ers Summer Program
Registration form: https://gbymca.wufoo.com/forms/z52ctpn0wc2pu2/
Waterbury Youth Soccer Needs New Coordinators!
Waterbury Youth Soccer is looking for a few new coordinator(s) to help coordinate the Fall Recreational Program.
Last year we had 2 of our coordinators move out of state and we are looking for some more individuals to get involved with Waterbury Youth Soccer to help continue our strong fall programming.
Individual roles/responsibilities may vary by interest and expertise, but can range from general administration, scheduling, equipment/supply coordination, field management, and referee coordination. Some low key prep work is done in May/June/July, with the majority of the work being done in August (registration, team creation, scheduling, coach recruitment & training, equipment sorting, field lining, etc.). Coordinators support the program in September & October. If you are interested in helping out with any aspect of this please reach out to us at the emails below.
Widely supported through volunteer coaches, this well established program has been a community tradition for over 2 decades and has continued to grow, reflecting the vibrancy of our community. This is a great opportunity to support and serve the community we live in, work with an amazing group of dedicated volunteers who return year after year, and most importantly, create recreational opportunities for local youth that build skills beyond the foundations of soccer.
Please contact Kirsten Kollgaard (kkollgaard@gmail.com) or Marni Martens (marni.martens@gmail.com) for more information.
2022 Harwood K-2 Youth Lacrosse
This youth lacrosse program is open to all students in grades K-2. The program will run on SUNDAYS from 9:00 - 10:00 at Crossett Brook Middle School from May 1 - June 5 (excluding Memorial Day weekend, May 29). The program is FREE to all participants, but we are asking participants to bring their own lacrosse stick (Waterbury Sports is a good place to start your search for a kids lacrosse stick). We do have loaner sticks available if you are unable to provide your own. Please reach out to Curtis Taylor, curtis3@gmail.com, with any questions you may have. Sign up here: https://forms.gle/ChEcgZBAWsqjmwAD8
Dear Incoming Preschool Parents:
It’s time to register for preschool for the 2022-2023 school year. Your child must be born on or before September 1, 2019. Brookside Primary School has a two day per week program (regular school hours) for preschoolers with bussing provided. The sessions are Monday/Tuesday or Thursday /Friday from 7:50 am-2:25 pm.
Preschool choice is available throughout the State of Vermont. According to state law, you can elect for your child to attend any preschool in Vermont that meets state standards (the state maintains a list of all pre-qualified programs) and the town of residence will pay for up to 10 hours per week of this programming. You must let us know if your intention is to access this funding for a preschool program other than BPS, so that we can ensure the proper paperwork is completed.
Here is the link for all pre-qualified programs on our HUUSD website:
If you have registered with BPS in the past and your child is attending Brookside preschool, or one of our Act 166 programs, you DO NOT need to re-register. You do however need to contact us to inform us of your plans for the 2022-23 school year.
The online registration packet must be completed in full and include a copy of the child’s birthcertificate, immunization records, and proof of residence. You will also be sent an ASQ questionnaire once the registration is complete. Please get this back to us ASAP.
The following dates are important in the preschool registration/screening process:
● March - Online registration opens https://huusd.org/new-student-registration-for-2022-23
● March - April 8 - Screening materials (Ages & Stages Questionnaire and Parents PreK
Screening survey) emailed to parents upon completion of online registration.
● April 8 - Deadline for completed registrations.
● April 25 - Lottery for Brookside Preschool slots
● April 28 - Acceptance/rejection letters sent out for TBPS slots
● May12 - Brookside preschool slots acceptance confirmed by parents
● July 11 - Confirmation of Placement days/teacher for Pre School at BPS.
If you have any questions please call or email Bonnie Flanagan bflanagan@huusd.org, Michele
Ballard mballard@huusd.org at Brookside 244-7195.
Have a great weekend!
Chris and Sarah