Happy Friday! We have a very exciting last week planned for next week!
Our musicians and performers did a fantastic job at the Spring Celebration this week and the rain held out! We had several field trips, a visit from the CBMS choruses, Walk and Bike to School on Wednesday and special events sprinkled throughout the week in individual classrooms.
It is with deep gratitude and appreciation that we say good-bye to several staff members at the close of this year. Congratulations to all and best of luck with the next chapter! We will miss you so!
Retirees (top row, left to right): Wanda Fisher, Bonnie Flanagan, Anet Hammett
Moving on (2nd row, left to right): Tara Luce-Rogers, Beth Reilly, Amy Watmough, Veronica Brusca (not pictured)
Next Week:
The 4th Grade Celebration of Learning will take place in the Gymnasium at 8am on Tuesday, June 13th.
Wednesday, June 14th is our schoolwide Field Day.
Thursday is the Last day of School for Students. Dismissal is at 11:30. Students will be served lunch.
Thank you for a wonderful school year. We are so appreciative of our strong school-family partnerships. We wish you all a joyful, healthy and happy summer!
In gratitude,
Sarah & Chris
Lunch Menu for next week:
Monday, June 12th
1- Cheesy Breadsticks w/ Marinara Sauce
Veggie, Fruit, Milk, Salad Bar is based on availability
Tuesday, June 13th
1- Turkey & Cheese Sandwiches
2- Sunflower butter & Jelly Sandwiches
Veggie, Fruit, Milk, Salad Bar is based on availability
Wednesday, June 14th 1- Cheeseburger 2- Veggie Burger Veggie, Fruit, Milk, Salad Bar is based on availability Thursday, June 15th 1- Bagel w/ Cream Cheese Veggie, Fruit, Milk, No Salad Bar Today
PE News
Thank you to all the parents/guardians/grandparents that brought scooters and bikes to school to use in PE over the last 2 weeks. We had lots of extreme weather from extra hot to cool and rainy, but we still had a great time being outdoors. If you have not done so already, please pick up your students bikes/scooters asap. We unfortunately have had some disappear this year.
Thank you to everyone that helped and participated in this spring's Walk and Bike to School Event. If you are interested in seeing neighborhood walking school buses or biking to school groups happen on a more regular basis, please contact Carol Baitz at BPS or Bill Minter at Waterbury Leap to volunteer. Walking and Biking are not only great for the environment, they start a student's day off with fresh air, exercise and ready to learn!
Final PE classes next week, we will be learning and playing some fun backyard games like corn hole and ladder ball. Have a great summer full of fun and activity!
Mrs. Baitz
Our Pre-K take on 'Planes, Trains and Automobiles' included a walk to the train station, a train ride to Montpelier and a bus ride back to BPS this week!
Summer Meals for Students:
For information on receiving meals in the summer, households can call 2-1-1, the United Way-run resource hotline, or go to the USDA Meals for Kids Site Finder. All sites listed are open to all children, 18 and under. Information is available mid-June and any necessary changes are made on a weekly basis.
Volunteers Needed for Nature Education Program
Brookside Primary School's Four Winds Nature Education program is seeking volunteers to help teach kids about our natural world. Next year the theme is “Structure and Function” and we will be teaching 5 different lessons over the course of the academic year. The specific lessons are entitled Spiders, Tremendous Trees, Skull Sleuthing, Calling All Owls, and the Buzz on Bees. Curriculum materials including background information and activity descriptions are provided by the Four Winds Institute and are accessible online. We have a two hour in-person training session prior to teaching each of the 5 lessons. The training sessions are led by a professional environmental educator and naturalist. There are a variety of different activities for each lesson, including an informative puppet show, hands-on experiments, games, crafts, dances, songs, examination of provided specimens, and observations in nature. These training sessions are scheduled for the second Thursday of the month from 8-10am. Our first training for next year is on Thursday, September 14th, 2023. If you can’t make the in-person meeting you can study the materials at home to prepare for teaching the lesson. Ideally each class is taught by a team of two volunteers. The classroom teacher is always there to help with managing the kids as well. Four Winds Institute provides us with many of the scientific materials and we organize and gather household items to be used for the lesson activities. Please email me at fourwindsbps@gmail.com to let me know if you are interested in volunteering this coming year or if you have any questions about the program.
Please note that the opportunities/events listed below are not specifically endorsed or screened by school staff. As always, families should use their own standards and review processes to determine appropriate activities.
Waterbury Rapids Swim Team - The Waterbury Rapids swim team will be practicing and having meets this summer at the Waterbury Pool. Children of all ages and swim abilities are welcome! Our web site is linked below. Not sure if this is right for you? Come to practices 5:15 - 6:30 Monday June 26th and Tuesday June 27th to see what it is all about! https://waterburyrapids.com/site/page/join-us