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  • Writer's pictureSarah Schoolcraft

Brookside Blast 8/20/24

As the sun sets on the summer of 2024, please enjoy this "last moments of summer" edition of the Brookside Blast. It is full of important and timely information so please read carefully! We are working hard to get BPS ready for the first day of school on Tuesday, August 27. All HUUSD staff gathered at HUHS this morning to connect and set the tone for the year. It's going to be a great one!

Classroom visits Thursday August 22:

Kindergarten - 4th: 2 - 3 pm

PK M/T - 1:00 - 1:45

PK Th/F - 2:15 - 3:00

All are invited to the playground from 3-4:30 - a back to school community event sponsored by the BPS PTO!

Timely Tidbits:

  • Back-to-School bus routes are now posted here. Please note that any route changes and/or revisions will be live on that site as well.

  • School start (doors open) 7:30am

  • AM recess (playground staffed) 7:15-7:30am

  • Students are marked TARDY after 7:45am

  • Dismissal begins at 2:20pm

  • We will continue to offer AM dropoff in both the front loop and the back parking lot. Both are for "drop and go" and we have staff at both entrances to ensure student safety. Please park your car in a space if your child needs additional support exiting.

Save the date for our Fall Open Houses:

  • Tuesday 9/17 5:30-6:30 grades PK, K, 1

  • Wednesday 9/18 5:30-6:30 grades 2, 3, 4

  • NO SCHOOL 9/2 (Labor Day)

Student/Family Handbook

Important information and expectations are outlined in the Brookside Primary School Student/Family Handbook. Please review it; this document can also be found on our website.

Student Information opt-out

To ensure the privacy and security of our students and their families, you have the option to opt out of having your contact information shared with the photography company that takes students’ school pictures.

If you do not wish for your personal contact information (your name, child’s name, your email)  to be shared with this company, please notify the school’s administrative assistant, Kelsey Guziak at by 9/15/24.

Pick Up Patrol - important changes!

This year our school will use PickUp Patrol to help us track attendance and dismissal information. We are no longer requiring parents to report absences in the google form. PickUp Patrol provides you with a convenient way to make changes to your child’s dismissal plans and helps ensure that our students are accurately dismissed each day. Please note that notes, emails, or phone calls are not accepted for dismissal changes, except in emergencies.

RETURNING PARENTS: Please enter and confirm your child’s default plan here: by Friday, August 23. For a safe dismissal, it’s essential that we know your student’s regular daily dismissal plans before the first day of school.

NEW PARENTS: You should have received a registration email today (8/20) with a link to set up your account. Please register and enter your child’s Default Dismissal Plans by Friday, August 23.  

  • The PUP web app is free for parents and you can use it from your smartphone or computer. 

  • Instructions for how to add the app to your phone are included in the registration email. 

  • You will need to register before you can enter default plans.

Thank you for using PickUp Patrol to make safety a priority and to ensure our dismissal process is efficient for all our students. 

If you have any questions, please check the PUP Parent Guide. If you still need help, contact the office at or PickUp Patrol at


Are you interested in volunteering this year? There is a formal process that must be complete before you are able to volunteer with our students. Please follow the link below to get started!

COVID 19 Updates

As we return to school, we wanted to share recent information from the Vermont Department of Health regarding COVID-19. 

If you choose to test, you can access test kits at local ambulance services, grocery stores, or pharmacies. 

The Vermont Department of Health requests that anyone who test positives report to this website:

We look forward to seeing your children on Thursday afternoon and then back with us next Tuesday 8/27!

In partnership,

Chris & Sarah



Please note that the opportunities/events listed below are not specifically endorsed or screened by school staff. As always, families should use their own standards and review processes to determine appropriate activities.

Waterbury Youth Soccer Fall Season Registration Open!

Waterbury Youth Soccer is a recreational soccer league for players in Kindergarten - 6th grade living in Waterbury, Vermont, and surrounding communities. Registration is $50 per child for the Kindergarten program, $60 per child for 1st-2nd grade program, and $65 per child for the 3rd-6th grade program. Scholarships are available. Registration closes on August 31, so don't wait to sign up!

The season kicks off the week of Sept 2!

Please visit to learn more or reach out to with any questions!

One Arts Studio at Camp Meade is now offering After School Art for kindergarten through fourth grade on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. If your child attends Moretown Elementary School transportation is available from school to camp; otherwise parents must arrange transportation. The camp includes both student and teacher led projects covering activities from clay, beading, and mask-making to gelli-printing and more. To register and learn more visit: 


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