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  • Writer's pictureSarah Schoolcraft

Brookside Blast 9/9/22

Updated: Sep 13, 2022

Things are really in full swing as we close out our 2nd week at Brookside! A focus on relationships has been at the core of our work school-wide, and students at all grade levels can be found interacting through play, problem solving and cooperative games.

Students in Ms. Wedge's class are tracking the days of school during morning meeting.

In the excitement of the first day of school, perhaps you missed checking out our student/family handbook. We do ask that all families take some time to look through this; it has a wealth of information about our school. Additionally, if you have not completed returning student registration, please do that as soon as possible. We need all students to have complete, updated information to ensure all students' safety. Finally, if you have not returned the Free and Reduced Lunch application, please do this as soon as possible. Having a high rate of return will help ensure that our school has access to all eligible funding, supporting all students.

One of the details mentioned in this handbook is our process around student absences. Parents and guardians of students who are absent need to report their child’s absence, or late arrival, by completing the Absence Report Form, found on the school website. To help us ensure student safety, we ask that you complete the absence form before 8 a.m. if your child will be absent or tardy that day. Your notification assures us that your child is safe and not missing. Any communications from a physician or health agency should be shared with the school nurse. Please also use this form to report a planned absence.

The entire 3rd grade engaged in teambuilding activities Friday morning!

Fourth graders science inquiry with buoyancy:

Transportation Tidbits

Updated routes, hot off the press!

Walk and Bike to School

Wednesday, September 21st

  • Meet at Rusty Parker Park from 7:00-7:20am for a light breakfast

  • Walk or bike to Brookside at 7:20am

Volunteers Needed for Nature Education Program

Brookside Primary School's Four Winds Nature Education program is seeking volunteers to help teach kids about our natural world. Get kids outside to experience hands-on standards-based science education concepts. This year the theme is “Earth” and we will be teaching 6 different lessons on topics including sunlight & shadows, erosion, rocks & minerals, air, wind & clouds, and the water cycle. If you’ve been a volunteer in the past please join us again this year. You do not need to be a parent of a BPS student. We have had excellent volunteers that were grandparents, aunts/uncles, neighbors, and interested community members that just want to help introduce the splendor of our natural world to young minds. We offer all the training and supplies to get you started. Please email us at to let us know if you are interested in volunteering this year or if you have any questions about the program.

Nurses' Notes:


You are up to date with your COVID-19 vaccines when you have received all doses in the primary series and all boosters recommended for you, when eligible.

CDC recommends:

  • COVID-19 primary series vaccines for everyone ages 6 months and older

  • COVID-19 boosters for everyone ages 5 years and older, if eligible.

  • People who are moderately or severely immunocompromised follow specific recommendations for COVID-19 vaccines, including boosters.

  • For people ages 12 years and older, the only authorized booster is the updated (bivalent) booster. You are eligible to get the updated COVID-19 booster two months after you’ve received your last COVID-19 vaccine, either of your primary series or booster.

  • You can check the Vermont Department of Health Website for additional information:

  • A list of walk-in clinics can be found here:

  • Waterbury EMS will be hosting clinics for all ages from 10am-3pm both Saturday and Sunday at 1727 Guptil Road, Waterbury Center.

  • HUUSD COVID-19 Information

Flu Vaccines

The Vermont Department of Health recommends that everyone six months and older get a flu shot. Getting the flu shot helps protect you, your family and your community. The flu vaccine and a COVID-19 vaccine can be given at the same visit. Your child's primary care provider can schedule a flu shot.

BPS Backpack Program

Brookside Primary School is again sponsoring, free of charge a “weekend of food” for your child program. We are able to offer a supply of nutritious meals and snacks for children over the weekends and extended breaks at no cost. Any child enrolled at Brookside Primary School is able to receive these weekly bags of food for themselves and each child in their family.

If you believe your child could benefit from this program, we strongly encourage you to fill out this form and return it to the main office, or send it back via email to Only one form is needed per family, but please be sure to include all the requested information around food tastes, allergies, etc. All information is kept confidential. Once your child is signed up, they will receive a backpack full of food each week. We strongly encourage you to take advantage of this program for your children.

Questions or concerns? Please contact Michele Ballard, or Bonnie Flanagan

Thank you for sharing your children with us!


Sarah & Chris

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